About TiA

Theories in Action is an interdisciplinary conference celebrating the research, leadership activities, artistic productions, and other capstone projects of Brown’s graduating senior class.  Capstone projects can include (but are not limited to) long-term leadership experiences, summer internships, grant projects, theses, fellowships, independent studies, final performances, and community service work.

Theories in Action is an opportunity for seniors to showcase their work to audiences across school year, program or academic department, and gives the Brown campus community a moment to recognize and celebrate the challenging work of synthesis and application of knowledge.  TIA provides conference presenters with a forum to publicly reflect on their project’s social relevance.

Theories in Action 2014 is sponsored by the Curricular Resource Center and Dean of the College, co-sponsored by CareerLAB, Chaplains’ Office, the Energy & Environmental Programs Office of Facilities Management, LGBTQ Center, Sarah Doyle Women’s Center, Student Activities Office, Student Creative Arts Council, Third World Center and Swearer Center for Public Service.

TiA is funded in part by a gift from the Island Fund of the New York Community Trust.